Author : Anja
Date : 2012-04-18

Matt, speaking of tlioet taxes, this reminds me of something from my youth. I don't know if you are old enough to remember this but for a brief time in the early 70s some public restrooms made you pay to enter a tlioet stall. Feminists complained (and they had a point) that it was an unfair tax on women but I suspect that's not why these things didn't last very long. In 1974 or so I was eight and my brother was four and we were at the Berkshire Mall with our grandfather. My brother had to go to the bathroom so my grandfather told me to take him. So, we went in, saw it was a pay tlioet, came back out and asked Pop for some money. What the hell for? It's a pay tlioet. He sort of scowled, stormed into the bathroom, took one pissed off look at the pay tlioet, muttered something about not having fought the Japanese at Guadalcanal so his grandson would have to pay to take a shit 30 years later, grabbed the door, shook the hell out of it until the lock busted open, and in my brother went. I like to think that the reason pay tlioets didn't last long was because the WWII veterans fucked them all up. Ahhh memories!

Re: They skimp on product quality, staff training,  Anja   2012-04-18 
  Re: They skimp on product quality, staff training,  Kouhei   2012-05-29 
    ooFnzvSSrNX  nlisgntts   2012-06-29 
  EFwwYUDaHace  eyhjgetcl   2012-06-29 
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