Author : Nayu
Date : 2012-04-17

I have the same problem with my guadhter, she is 6 weeks. At 2 weeks old she was diagnosed with reflux, because she would arch her back while crying and fuss for hrs after she ate. The doctor gave her a script for Axid drops, and it really helps her. I also prop her for 30 mins after she eats, and try to keep her bedding elevated. She sleeps a lot during the day at the babysitters house, and fusses when I pick her up at 5pm all the way until around 7pm when I feed her again, bathe her, and try to put her to sleep. She doesn't sleep good at night at all unless she is being held belly to belly The warmth of the other person seems to soothe her tummy. But she wakes around 12pm when we put her off until 2pm with a NUK, then after her 2pm feeding she usually doesn't go back to sleep She'll whine and fuss and toss and turn Very exhausting, I know what you are going through. Try the zantac your doctor prescribed and it should help within a few days It won't make it go away, it'll just make it a little better. Also try Baby Gas-X It find it works better than Mylicon for gas

Re: TYAQabaxUdVCYx  Nayu   2012-04-17 
  MhLrgVGnIdwndg  rigexuydiem   2012-09-17 
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