Author : Gamze
Date : 2012-07-09

I saw a distinct orngae red object moving from the area of the star Formalhaut towards Pollux and Castor at exactly 1830hrs on 12/31/11 in Charlotte NC. There was no sound, no tail that I can discern, and no nebulous glow. It was distinct and irregular-shaped in its borders, About the time it was approaching the over head point it began to diminish in intensity due to, I think, atmospheric haze as it moved away from Earth. It did seem to arc away, towards Pollux and Castor. There was several airplanes in the area at the time. The one overhead at the time seemed to arc to the west of this object.A very interesting sight to see.

Re: TYAQabaxUdVCYx  Gamze   2012-07-09 
  nGevGxFiBXELS  pxkrzx   2012-09-17 
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